Casters & Cantrips: Live D&D at The Cauldron Magical Pub in NYC!
I’m super pleased to announce that I’ve been brought on to run a series of six live D&D games at The Cauldron Magical Pub in downtown NYC!
I’ve been working incredibly hard on building an original world that’s based on The Cauldron’s lore. This strange mirror-world on NYC is going to be filled with easter eggs from the big apple, some easily recognizable, some, you’ll have to know your NYC history to pick out.
In addition, I’m incredibly excited about the stellar cast that showrunner and producer Anne Richmond has put together. I can’t wait to pull their heart strings for your enjoyment. The stream will also be live on Active Player Network’s twitch and can be viewed in hindsight on their youtube channel!
The Cauldron Magical Pub is built on Stone Street in downtown Manhattan, which is actually the oldest street in Manhattan.
Right down the street you can find a glass cutaway into the very sidewalk which shows the foundation of the first tavern ever built on the island, the Fraunces Tavern.
The Frounces which has operated since 1762, and is now a Bar/Museum that is located at 52 Pearl St.