New With Group

 — I’m new, have a group and i’m looking for a gm —

Welcome! I’m so happy that you’ve chosen me to guide you on the first steps of your journey into D&D! I have a few suggestions for where to start a group that’s new to Tabletop RPGs; I’ve listed the options down below, or, if you’re the extra curious type, you can find a nearly exhaustive list of the games I can run at the bottom of the page.

— Themed One-Shots —

A one-shot is a game of D&D or another RPG that is designed to be played in one sitting. I have been building a canon of themed one-shots that are wonderful introductions to the game, and teach you the game as you play!

— Headfirst into D&D —

For those who are sure they want to play an epic campaign and want to get started right away, here are my suggestions for starter-campaigns. These campaigns start at 1st level, and teach the game as they go, and they also happen to be my favorites.

— Not sure? Have some questions? —

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